Implementing Mechanisms

To ensure that all stakeholders of the weather, climate, and water enterprise are involved in and contribute to high-quality information and services, the following key implementing mechanisms have been identified:

Open Consultative Platform

All participants in the first High-Level Round Table (June 2019, Geneva, Switzerland) agreed on a Joint Statement, which identified the Open Consultative Platform (OCP) as a suitable implementing mechanism.

The OCP serves as an open, constructive, and participatory framework for addressing collaboratively the challenges the weather enterprise faces to mitigate the risks related to weather, climate, water, and related environmental hazards. In the spirit of mutual respect and trust, the Platform will enable all stakeholders to stay abreast of issues and opportunities to incentivize win-win approaches and to nurture innovation. OCP aims to move from isolated actions within a single stakeholder to coordinated initiatives that are developed and shared across sectoral and organizational boundaries. The OCP is an open and volunteer-based platform, welcoming all stakeholders of the weather, climate, and water enterprise who are willing to participate in the dialogue and inclusive consultation in a constructive and mutually beneficial way. See OCP website.

White Papers

To review progress and analyze trends of the whole value chain of the global weather, climate and water enterprise, the PPE Office coordinates developing white papers, in which selected experts from relevant communities of practice are invited to share expert opinions and to identify common views. These collective analyses formulate calls for action by all stakeholders and provide the basis for advice to the decision-making processes of relevant organizations and stakeholders.

See “WMO OCP White Papers” (PPE Resources).

Awareness Building and Promotion of Good Practices

Learning from experience, all stakeholders of the weather, climate, and water enterprise would explore practical ways for securing and sustaining collaborative networks across research, observations, services, and decision-making. Furthermore, guidance and policy would be reviewed and improved from successful and less-successful applications and experiences in different regulative, societal, and institutional environments.

Call for Sharing Good Practices

Recognizing the diversity of business models, legislative frameworks, and policies, we encourage sharing of your experience on our website. Your experience can guide those who wish to learn from others in identifying their challenges, finding clues to the solution to the challenges, and reaching the best possible solution that suits their own situation.

Please contact to share your success story, business models or legislative frameworks and policies, or for related inquiries. Co-authorship from multiple sectors is also welcome.

See “Practices and Presentations” and "Practices Overview" on PPE Resources.

Regional/Sectoral Consultations

Pursuant to Resolution 79 (Cg-18) – Open Consultative Platform “Partnership and Innovation for the Next Generation of Weather and Climate Intelligence”, the PPE Office supports the regional associations and their Members for informal consultations with stakeholders from all sectors across the value chain, to analyze and build an understanding of sub-regional and regional circumstances (including legal frameworks that govern public-private engagement) and provide regional input through the Open Consultative Platform. Through a series of regional conferences and informal consultations, WMO actively supports Members to link with regional and technical activities and promote the participation of all sectors in the collaborative effort to tackle the “grand challenges” for the weather, climate, and water enterprise.

PPE Events


Genève, Switzerland


Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Public event

Genève, Switzerland


Geneva, Switzerland


Beijing Shi, China

Public event

Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

Public-Private Engagement Office Contact

Tatsuya Kimura standing in front of WMO flag.
Tatsuya Kimura, Director, Public-Private Engagement Office
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Mingmei Li, Senior Engagement Officer
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Jitsuko Hasegawa, Chief, Office of the Director, Infrastructure Department
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A man in a suit and tie standing on a balcony.
Roberto Gustavo Rodriguez Nunez, Associate Engagement Officer
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