National Center of Meteorology early warning system in the United Arab Emirates

(Europe/Zurich: 01 December 2023, 11:30 - 12:30)
Past event

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

A poster for the national center of early meteorology ncme early warning system in the emirates.

The presentation will highlight the NCM efforts on the Early Warning System in the UAE based on the four components (4 Pillars) which are:

  1. Disaster risk knowledge
    1. Hazard and vulnerabilities
    2. Patterns and trends
    3. Risk maps and data availability 
  2. Detection, observations, monitoring, analysis and forecasting of hazards
    1. Right parameters monitoring
    2. Scientific based Forecasts
    3. Accurate and timely warning
  3. Warning dissemination and communication
    1. Warning reached all at risk
    2. Understanding the risks and warnings
    3. Usable and clearance of warning information
  4. Preparedness and response capabilities
    1. Response plans updated and tested
    2. Local capacities and knowledge 
    3. Preparedness and reaction to warnings